Hello Readers
...and thanks for bringing tins of fruit, fresh vegetables and surplus food items from your pantries, cupboards, and larders. Unfortunately you have mistaken my blog for the Harvest Festival (again).
I have a miserable dirge for you to read and some complete piffle about my forthcoming book. You can read it or just skip this page. Maybe add a comment or just spit at the screen and watch the drool extend into a long frothy river of spittle that gradually rolls slowly down the screen before slowly dripping onto your desk, table or legs.
Indulgent and Maligned Pathos
They throw mud at him when he walks down the street,
whilst standing still they fire weapons at his feet,
In the post office they barge him out of the way,
The supermarket staff say that he is gay,
At home respect is not at hand,
Ugly faces are pulled and pants buried in the sand,
Strangers punch him in the balls,
and make disgusting prank phone calls,
but despite all this anguish throughout the weeks,
you can still read his blog called “Keith Doughnut Speaks”
I am a man with a Plan, OK it is a saving plan from the Nat-west (circa 1987) but it is still a plan and that is all it says in the book. [What book?]
If anyone is reading this...(I know you will Frank, otherwise you could not have known about the incident with the horse last Thursday) I have received some rather sad news this week. My “perspective” publisher decided not to publish my book titled “The Joy of Hexagons”. I am obviously devastated by this malicious and stupid behaviour.
For several months these idiots asked for more steam. I filled the entire book with steam. There were clouds of steam everywhere. The main character, a Roman foot soldier called Ikbhar had steam coming from his ears. I've managed to pen one final line to complete the saga, it is slightly tongue in turnip and directed at a certain book publisher with a crooked nose and wonky eyebrows, you know who you are...
“Where is my freakin' book deal” said Ikbhar as he pushed a hand cart of sprouts up the hillside. His bladder was full to bursting and he ventured behind a large tree. After a short time a dense cloud of steam billowed over the landscape like an old man's hairstyle.
I'm crying into my cornflakes...
I've got some other stuff to do now so... “MOVE IT, FATTY!”
Keith Doughnut
Monday, March 9, 2009
The Joy of Hexagons
Thursday, March 5, 2009
How to Stop Content and Article Thieves
Is there a proper name for internet article and content thieves? These are the people who troll around the internet stealing copyrighted work from websites. I firmly believe that they are the lowest of the low and have as yet, not discovered a name that is anywhere near nasty enough to label them. I was very surprised indeed when a scrotum-faced thief turned up here and stole one of my blog posts. They removed my salutation from the beginning and deleted my byline from the terminal end then simply (and probably nonchalantly copied the rest of the post. In case this sad individual come back for more I’ve ensured that all my posts are rubbish, badly written and filled with mudcakes (sorry I meant mistakes). Please note that this post belongs to Keith Doughnut so keep your filthy hands of it.
Have you ever seen anything quite as stupid – it is totally beyond my comprehension why this imbecile wants a single blog post for their crappy MFA blog. Although this website is not about making money online I know a few things about the subject. There are certainly some practices to avoid such as stealing other peoples copyrighted work. Duplicate content is definitely frowned upon by Google.
I didn’t think that this smelly content thief would want to publish the comment I made on his ITV Sports website (whatever that is meant to be!). I took the opportunity to take a quick screen grab in case he decides to delete my words of wisdom during the moderation process. I realised that I’m probably one of the few people left who still calls a screen capture a “grab”. It is clearly a much better term or phrase for this type of procedure. Here is what I wrote on this greasy spivs website in response to him stealing my blog content. (like the tattoo on my genitals it says click to enlarge on the underside)Figure 1. (yeah, I know this is not a school text book) A Screen Grab of my comment to the content thief (Click to enlarge).
This blog is really intended as bit of a scribble pad. The idea is to freely write a whole load of absolute nonsense. This frees up space in my mind which I then use to write my real articles and internet content. In my opinion this website serves a purpose and is essential to my other writing commitments. It also assists me by allowing me to write quickly without any restraints. I do not use SEO or any link building to get traffic. There is no optimisation for google and no adsense adverts. If people come here and don’t like what I have written I just don’t give a monkeys tonsil.
I hope that this post helps explain my newly added and slightly acidic copyright statement.
Keith Doughnut
Fighting Crime