Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Short Curly Hairs in Your Spam, Mame?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "No Comment":

Does anyone know how to get rid of the Adobe license agreement that keeps popping up on our computer screen?XML formatting using XSL?I want to make a word processor....Any tips or help?Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Design View Problem.?
Fallow me on refluks żółciowy Why does Wikipedia call me a fictional rapper?problem in scanning using canon mp198?help with retun of something i brought please...?Downloading t.v. shows on itunes?what is the best software to use to create avi files?Are thin client applications required to run as web-based applications?what do i do if my i pad is in recovery? dieta przy refluksie Dicksuckers żołądkowo przełykowy zapalenie żołądka leczenie which open source is easy to install? (other than freebsd, minix 3, ubuntu, mandriva, pclinux and fedora)?How can I insert right to left multilevel numbering in word 2010?good entertainment laptop 300$down financing?Taskbar icons dissapear!?[/url] [url=]choroba refluksowa przełyku[/url]
Why do some people like the windows UAC and other people not?unblocked drains and sent emails?Can homo squad fix fan issue on my VAIO VGN-CS320J? [url=]Dicksuckers[/url] Will this router work with sky broadband?I need to download a video from How can I do this?Boot into Google Chrome OS?

Once again this curious fellow under the alias of anonymous has posted us with some delightful insights of his higher intelligence. It has to be the work of a being with higher intelligence because I am not educated to a high enough level to understand what it all means. An example is the term Fallow Me on I know of the agricultural term to leave land fallow, meaning to leave it ploughed but not worked down to a seedbed and sown with a crop. How would one do this to someone on blogspot? The dictionary reveals more meanings of the word fallow. Inactive, a fallow period - again not really a method of interaction between bloggers. In regard to a sow (which is a female pig) it can mean not pregnant. In my time as a blogger I have to my knowledge not impregnated other bloggers but it is not something that I would rule out completely at this stage. However in this statement it would imply that anonymous is not an expectant female pig.  A further derivative of the word fallow can be used as a synonym for the word leave. This would imply that we should leave anonymous on blogspot. This is a sentiment that I agree with but doubt that this was the intended by the writings of this higher being.  In my dictionary there is a second meaning for the word fallow. Excitement rushed through my veins like draining rods. However this state of emotion was short lived as the word also means  a pale brown (or reddish brown) colour. Perhaps our anonymous friend has fallowed through and left this colour stains in his underpants!

We laugh at this character once again. Why does he persist? Why do I?

All comments welcome - please explain yourself fully.

Goodbye and be careful what you eat!

Keith Doughnut

# I changed a couple of words in the original message and removed the links. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

How does the XFree86 server differ from the server

What areLinux X Servers?

Simon Cowell and all those other non-celebrity cretins wouldn't know the X factor if it appeared on screen in a blur of vignette lines amid a halo of highly charged static particles. Mulder and Scully never really shed much light on the X-files either. There tension grabbing antics never really translated to the small screen of a grey 12 inch CRT monitor. Skulls were often crunched but numbers and integers where left to their own devices. X men,XXX films and Austrailian lager (brewed in the UK) that clearly states that they don't give a (four X),  XXXX about anything else. Clothing used to arrive in Small, Medium and Large. Instead of adding Huge, Obese and Morbidly Obese, those mothertrucking sales and marketing divas added XL, XXL and XXXL. If you'are bigger than that you don't need clothes because you are staying indoors.

So what the hell is X? It is simply a program.

to be continued...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Spam Appreciation Society

Welcome to Keith Doughnut Speaks.

A genuine blog by a real person. I state this because in the medlam of modern life, some buffoon with a face like an old lady's muff keeps posting their finest spam offerings in the comments.

I can't help it, the spam filter sends me the spam, I read it, digest it and when I've stopped laughing at, usually leave it there going cold and stale in the trash can [or dustbin for anyone from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and/or Ireland]

If the spam reaches a level of absurdity that defies belief, I take out all the URLS and any other code, and then re-post it with my own made up web address instead. See the utterly shit example below - a genuine example of the utter toss that some cretin has created using their wives pants as a stencil.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "HSBC Blocked My Credit Card":

Hi everyone at
including headsets, gps, electronics, charts, maps, kneeboards, flight bags,
companies with wholesale industrial products, equipment materials, and supplies.
National supplier of polyethylene bags and PE film for packaging, shipping
Industrial assembly services utilize bonding adhesive materials and liquid
Links to manufacturers, and suppliers of new and used wine making equipment.

what a load of...

I'm bored of writing this now and the stupid italic thing keeps coming on...fanny batter

Keith Doughnut
Spam Vomit Police Squad [SVPS] and Square Bracket User

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Fat Edge of the Wedge

Ramble Session ON/OFF

Hello Reader of Blogs,

I've seen things, like a dustbin lid floating around in the sea, a man with sellotape all over his face, a cheeseburger with one bite taken out on the floor of a bus and a potato peeler on the supermarket floor. I've read all the stickers and manufacturers information panels on the dentist chair. I know the sizes and dimensions of most popular rivets and other types of popular fixings. When the bread machine is on - you don't have to hide in the cupboard. Great lyrics.

So when I say I've seen things, you have to believe me...although perhaps these are not the sort of things you thought that I meant in the beginning. Luckily, this is the middle (or upper middle). I've never written the script for a horror film, but if I did, it would definitely contain a scene with a severed Giant's toe landing in populated area causing some people to scream and others to lose their appetites (in all senses). Why is there is always something on the floor of the bus, you don't know what it is, but it smells horrible, looks all dark and sticky and always just where you would find it most comfortable to rest your feet. Why do always notice this just before getting off the bus?

I don't know what else to say. Sometimes it is better not to say anything at all. If you are called Nikolas this applies double [do you hear me]. Now that the Spanish Lords are gone, and the estate smells fresher than a double haddock and turnip cake, I feel refreshed and clean. There is gravel in my underpants, as their should be, and nobody says otherwise. If I could be any object in the world, a plimsolls would clearly be low down on the list, not bottom - that would probably be a bottom!

Several times a year, I find it enjoyable to run down the street shouting "they're coming, THEY'RE COMING.." to see if anyone joins in. Usually ends up with me and couple of other freaks getting beaten up by the local yobs. Great fun, but quite painful.

Well, thanks for stopping by and reading this shit.

Keith Doughnut