Hello Nosy,
Actually, you may regret poking your nose into my blog this merry day. This is because I have descended into a dirty place for the topic of this post. This all happened quite by accident and I would like to assure you that I am not a dirty person nor do I have any interest in scatology of any kind. I was in two minds whether to post this today but in the end I have nothing else on my mind to share. I do hope that nobody takes offence at the content of this post. In the past I have been physically assaulted in the street for posting absolute tosh. I am fairly sure that this post will not fall into this category and I will not be lamped in the nuts on my way to work today.
If anybody has progressed to this second paragraph then it must be safe for me to continue. Allow me to start at the beginning. I was walking through my local park listening to the birds singing in the trees and enjoying the fairly average weather conditions. I was in a jolly frame of mind and enjoying my stroll immensely. I had walked the complete circuit through the park, around a large pond and was about to leave via a double tier of steps with ornate statues at either side. It was at this point that something quite bizarre caught my eye and took my full attention.
Now you might think that this is the usual kind of thing that you see down the park. A lady jogging without a bra or even a small group of 20 something girls wrestling on the grass in their micro skirts and skimpy tops. I would have thought that both scenarios would have made for a better photograph but what I saw simply defied belief. I have included photographic evidence but please be warned this is an extremely dirty image that may induce vomiting in some people.
It is a length of dogs doings that I believe resembles almost exactly one of Winston Churchill's Cigars. Have you ever seen anything like it? I was just astounded and spent several hours observing the dung-lump. In the end, I had to leave before the temptation to lift the dog mud to my mouth whilst giving an uplifting and morale boasting speech befell my dumbfounded mind. What do you think about this?Winston Churchill's Cigar – taken by Keith Doughnut May, 2008. (Click to Enlarge)
You can almost smell it can't you?
Keith Doughnut
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Winston Churchill's Cigar
100% Fat Free:
Winston Churchhill's Cigar
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Well said.
You also have a whiff of Churchill about you!
Keith :-)
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