Wednesday, October 8, 2008

So Your the Weird Sod That Reads My Blog

Hello Readers and thanks for jumping across the broken fire escape to meet me up here on top of this building.

It is very nice finally discover that some one is reading this page. Still my stalkers count is quite low and only two pairs of underpants have been posted through my letter box this week. Now, all the shenanigans with my old blog have been dealt with and we can sweep all that old stuff up and throw it away, or add it to some soup as a thickener. This week my bottom bracket broke (what the heck is that...I hear you cry). My bicycle has seen better days so I've ordered a new one on the good old internet. Meanwhile I'm getting fat.

Oh carrots are ready. (what carrots?) I've grown a load of carrots in some lengths of drain pipe as an experiment. Now they are reet fat (like me) and I've been eating the organic orange vegetables for my tea.

My chest infection has flared up. I'm asthmatic, eratic and currently trapped in my neighbours attic. HELP ME!

Kind regards

Keith Doughnut

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